10 Insider Secrets You Need to Know to Improve Your PBM Contract
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pharmacy benefit consulting

Empowering you to take control of your pharmacy benefit with our customized solutions!

PillarRx Consulting Pharmacy Benefit Solutions

Combining 50 years of pharmacy benefit management experience, PillarRx is a leading firm dedicated to delivering pharmacy benefit consulting, PBM audits, and copay assistance services. Our pharmacy benefit team helps companies better understand and control their prescription drug costs, maximize pharmacy benefit savings, and reduce compliance risks.

Providing Pharmacy Oversight Solutions for:

Integrated Service Offering

Customizable, Stand-Alone Services or a Start to Finish Solution
PillarRx Consulting Pharmacy Benefit Solutions
3 Reasons to Hire a Pharmacy Benefit Consultant

A History of Long-Term Success

A long-term client of PillarRx changed PBMs, allowing for more competitive pricing and rebate sharing opportunities at greater percentages. The client asked PillarRx to ensure new contractual rates were being administered following the post-implementation process, as well as to help them understand the actual cost-savings.

The client’s benefit analyst used the report to inform executive staff of cost savings and the PBM implementation was satisfactorily performed. The client was able to allocate these dollars into additional voluntary benefit programs members had been asking for, as well as put these saved dollars towards organizational goals benefiting long-term company success.

Industry News

Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and news in the pharmacy benefit industry.

Let’s Work Together

Our practical guidance can help you create customized PBM solutions to help you maximize your financial outcomes, eliminate pharmaceutical waste and abuse, and increase member satisfaction.

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